Reading gives us someplace to go when we have to stay where we are.
~Mason Cooley

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Last week in the library...

The Kinders had a lesson on book care. We talked about some places we should never take our books and the best place to keep them when we're not reading. Ask your child to tell you how they will make sure their books stay out of the book hospital. We also read "What Happened to Marion's Book" by Brook Berg and "Mr. Wiggle's Book" by Paula M. Craig to reinforce those lessons. They are doing a great job so far this year in the library.

I read "Goldisocks and the Three Libearians" to the 1st graders and we discussed how to check out books that are "just right" for them. Ask your children about the 5 finger rule and how they use it to select books. Many 1st graders came in during lunch on Friday to check out new books for the weekend and they did a great job using shelf markers and making good choices!

Unlike 1st grade, 2nd graders are allowed to check out books from anywhere in the library. I read them "The Shelf Elf Helps Out" by Jackie Mims Hopkins to introduce them to many of the different types of books we have in the library. I showed them a selection of books from each "neighborhood" and encouraged them to explore the library to find books they are excited to read.

3rd - 5th graders heard "The Library Mouse" by Daniel Kirk. I used this story to introduce a Student Published Work section of the library. I encouraged the children to contribute their original writing to the library where it will be put into inventory for others to read and check out. I have already received 8 submissions and hope to have at least some of them available on Monday. I was thrilled at the kids' interest in this venture and hope to have quite a collection by the end of the year.

1 comment:

  1. You're doing such a fantastic job! I'm sure they all are crazy about you!


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